Thursday, March 18, 2010


I LOVE this movie.I mean you really can't go wrong with this movie. It is that good.

And in other news. Troy and I have been talking and have decided that we aren't sure about the name Alexandra. Haha, how that can happen is beyond us. So we have been going over names again. It's amazing how you can go over a name again that you thought of in the beginning and love it all over again. So far we really like Monica and Kimberly. Troy fell in love with Kimberly, and I really like it too. But we have decided that her name is going to need to be prayed about and that we aren't going to reveal a single name anymore, until she is born. The middle name is going to stay the same no matter what. Who knows what the first name is going to be now. Good thing we didn't get too attached to Alexandra or that she is born. Then we might be in trouble.

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